Monday, October 20, 2008

Well, we finally have someone to see us at Denver. We are going back to Children's on Wednesday, and hopefully someone will help little John. He still continues to wretch. I learned that he can out grow his g-tube, so maybe that is what is making him so miserable. We have to have it changed every 6 months, and it has only been 5, but just maybe this is what is causing him to be so sick. I just don't know how much longer he or I can take it. All he enjoys doing is watching tv, but that is just not okay. He tries to play, but he gets sick, so we just end up putting the tv back on. I really hope that someone can help us at Children's, because if they send me home again with nothing, I am going to loose it! I called today and got a patient representative to help. I am not sure what she can do, but getting anyone and everyone to help may possibly get us somewhere with all of this. I never thought that navigating the health care system would be such a challenge.

1 comment:

shay said...

I hope that the doctor's are making John feel better. I'm so sorry that you guys are having to go through all this and even sadder that you have to go back to Boston. However, we'd be doing the same thing.

You 2 are terrific parents and he's got such a sweet big sis. He's a lucky guy on that count.

Please let us know how we can help. I'd love to babysit so that you guys can go and spend some time with friends. With a little help, I'm sure I could figure out the tube. If you need anything...just ask.

Keep doing what you're doing and hopefully there is a little big ray of sunshine waiting just around the corner.

Much love,