Wednesday, October 8, 2008

John isn't doing great. He went back to see Kristi yesterday, and sounded like he was getting a bronchial infection. She was worried about it turning into bacterial pneumonia again, so she put him on antibiotics. Today he has been wrenching a lot. I wish there was more I could do for him.
This move to Boston is stressing me out. Again, I know it is the right thing to do, but am overwhelmed finding a school for Sienna, and new pediatrician for John, etc. It is hard to decide on a school when you are not there to see it, but I also want her to start school asap so she doesn't have to go to John's dr. and therapy appointments. The schools are so expensive I can't even believe it. Since I can't really get a job until John is in school, we will have to depend on Johnny, and he can only do so much. Of course this is so overwhelming. I talked to a lady from the mitoaction organization, and she gave me so much helpful information medical care for John. She said that Children's is a great hospital, but for Mito you want to go to Tufts University. That is the #1 hospital for mito. I was able to get an appointment in the middle of December with a GI doctor that specializes in mito. This will be so helpful. I heard him talk the other day on a teleconference call, and he and his partner are the doctors to see. Hopefully he can get us on the right track, and maybe just give us a few answers on what is going on with John, as well as how to take care of him. I have had to start over on the school search, and the pediatrician search, but hey at least we still have ballet! I know it will all come together, it is just a lot to do, and want to do it right the first time.
I hope you all are having a great day.

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