Friday, October 10, 2008

We had a rough day yesterday, so I wasn't able to post a blog. John should have been getting better by yesterday, but he was worse. So I brought him back to see Dr.Kristi, and we had to go down to the hospital for a chest x-ray and some blood work. John has a bacterial infection and a virus. His bronchitis had gotten worse, and he was starting to get phneumonia. So we went back to see Dr. Kristi, and she gave him a shot of a strong antibiotic, and changed his antibiotic to a stronger one. He has been wrenching a ton, but seems to be doing better. I have him set up in front of the TV so that he can rest. This little guy has had so much blood work done, he knows what is coming when they put the elastic band around his arm. It was so brutal having to hold him down. He is also hard to get blood from, so it normally takes a couple of times. My poor little guy.
After calling all week I finally got him in with the two top Mitochondrial doctors in the country. I was told it would be really hard, but honestly it was easier than getting appointments with the doctors at Denver Children's. So as of now we will be seeing 3 different Mitochondrial doctors when we get to Boston. Hopefully we will be able to get some answers. I know that we probably won't get a diagnosis, but they will be able to tell us if this is probably what he has or if it could be something else. I do believe that a week like we have had just helps prove that he has mito. Sienna got this same cold and it was gone in less than 24 hours. Kind of scary. Anyways, we are watching cartoons all day today. We do have the guy coming to size John for his pediatric walker. I can't wait to see him getting around on his own.

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