Sunday, November 23, 2008

The week has just gotten worse for us. John had his ENT appointment, and passed his hearing test! They checked his adenoids and his tonsils, and they are both fine. We did get a referal to an allergist. We have seen an allergist, but John was so young, they didn't test him for much. John has been retching a ton, and by Friday we headed too genetics, but was so sick we had to cancel and go to get checked by our doctor. He had another chest x-ray which still showed that he has a lot of mucus in the lungs. The doctor is thinking he might have a lung disease.? We will look at this in January with the pulmonary specialist. For now we have to keep his nebulizer going. We assumed had a virus so we went home, and started the pedialyte. We were supposed to take him to ER if he were to get a fever, but luckily we did not get a fever. Yesterday I woke up with a horrible stomach bug, and by 9:30 Sienna was projectile vomiting all over the place. So we are recovering today. Johnny is supposed to get in town in a few hours. Just in time for us all to be feeling better. I wouldn't want him to get this after all he has been through this week, but it sure would have been nice to have a little help. We are now recovering, and hopefully won't have anything like that again! I hope you all had a great weekend.

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