Monday, March 23, 2009

Thank you all who have already sponsored our walk for Children's Hospital. I can't thank you enough for your support. We have almost met our $600 goal, but don't plan on stopping there. We will be a "miracle maker" if we reach $750! I feel like Children's has done so much for us, that this is our way of paying them back. The walk isn't until June 14th, but if you would like to sponsor us, and help so many children similiar to John, and a lot that are worse off than John. Go to
John is doing well. He doesn't have too much going on this week. He is supposed to see the opthamologist again, but I think I am going to cancel. It isn't that important, and I am starting to be a lot more selective of the things they are doing to him. He will be seeing the ENT doctor next week, and we will then hopefully find out what the next step with his sinus infection is. I hope you all are well. It is starting to look like spring out here, and I can't wait for it to stay warm.

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