Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Yesterday was my birthday! I am not normally excited about my birthday, but on Sunday I learned that since last year I had my age wrong and am actually a year younger than I thought! Isn't that great. I was laughing so hard I was crying as we kept doing the math. What a great b-day present, a year younger than you thought. Sienna is having a very hard time understanding that I am going to be the same age for another year. Just shows how long of a year we have had.
John is doing very well. I don't think he has retched for at least a couple of days. He is going to the eye doctor today. I am excited because we will be able to get his glasses prescription figured out, and get him wearing glasses again. I also have a interview at a nice restaurant in the next town over, so hopefully I get the job. Sienna's xmas list is growing, and our $$$ is shrinking!

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