Thursday, January 8, 2009

John had his pulmonary appointment yesterday. He has to go in for a CT scan on his chest in a couple of weeks. They have to sedate him so that he can stay still for the procedure. He needs to have this test done to find out what exactly is going on with his lungs. He lungs still sounded junky, but not nearly as bad as they have been. John hasn't been sick since we first moved here which has been wonderful. Hopefully he can stay healthy for a little while so he can recover. He has been doing a lot of great new things. He is getting from laying to sitting all by himself, pulling himself to standing in his crib, and bending over and picking things up. He hasn't retched in a while which the doctors believe is because of his nebulizer. So things are going well here. Work is going okay for me. We have been a little slow, but I guess that is normal for downtown boston in January, especially when the weather is bad. I am just thankful to have a job right now. The people I work with are great, and I am really enjoying getting out of the house and meeting some people. I hope everyone is doing okay. I will continue to update the blog, I just don't have enough going on to update it everyday.

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